Word is getting around the neighborhood that I’m “soft” because I haven’t caught a squirrel for awhile. Ok, I never have, but that doesn’t mean I’m soft on squirrels. I almost never get off-leash and when I do get the chance I usually haven’t been allowed to properly stretch and warm-up. Also, the squirrels have an unfair advantage because of all the trees. I figured the best way to get their kind to take notice was to walk through the middle of Squirrel Central with one of my “catches” in my mouth, a stuffed hedgehog that won’t be bothering anyone anymore. Let this serve as notice to all of my so-called dog “friends” who’ve been trash-talking my squirrel-catching abilities and to all those squirrels that have forgotten to fear me. I’m back! I am become death, the destroyer of squirrel worlds, a squirrel-reaper. Take it from the hedgehog that I mercilessly ripped from it’s cardboard backing on the living room floor, “Cooper isn’t playing around anymore.”